May 6-7, 2013

With 126 meetings and 29 states represented, Head to the Hill 2013 was the most successful yet! Advocates from Oregon to Florida traveled to Washington DC, told their stories, and advocated for increased funding for brain tumor research and affordable access to life-saving treatments.

We are seeing the results of their strong advocacy, with a growing list of new cosponsors supporting the legislation that would ensure affordable access to oral chemotherapy treatments, including temozolozmide (brand name Temodar), the standard of care treatment for many types or brain tumors. We expect this number to continue to rise as advocates follow up from their meetings and continue to build relationships with these offices throughout the year. Thank you for fighting brain tumors through public policy with us.

"Head to the Hill takes something awful (tumor), something that we feel powerless over, and makes us feel like we are making a difference. It empowers us to see what we can do instead of what we can't. Thank you for that!"

Head to the Hill 2013 Participant
See our 2012 Head to the Hill recap here.